Friday, July 19, 2002

As with a lot of the apartment complexes in the DFW area, my complex has a gate.
I am unsure as to whether this is to keep the unscrupulous element out or to keep the
annoyingly shrill brats that run around outside my window in. Either way, it's not that

This morning was a prime of example of that statement.

I was pulling up to the exit gate (There's only two gates in the fence that surrounds my
apartments. One for going in and one for leaving.) when I noticed this boxy, little
four-door car that was parked at the curb near the gate. As I stop at the key pad to
enter the code to get out, the aforementioned car pulls up right outside the gate.
Waiting for me to open it for them. I hate people who do this. At least when I am
waiting to get inside an apartment complex, I wait at the FRONT gate.

Anyway, as I pull out of the driveway I give the driver a dirty look. The little Asian
guy inside smiles and gives me a friendly wave as if what he is doing is a normal
and society supported act.

As I turned left, I watched as the van that was behind me pull out in front of the
little blue car, cutting it off from entering the complex. The driver of the van, a
prime example of the best of rednecks, jumps out of his vehicle and proceeds
to walk forcefully around it, heading towards the other car.

Unfortunately, by the time he got to the other car, I was well on my way down
the road and out of sight. I say unfortunately because now, I am extremely
curious to know what events ensued that little drama. I wanna know if the
redneck guy beat the crap out of the little Asian guy...! I wanna know what happened!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2002

I got my first paycheck with my raise on it. Hell yeah!

I checked it with my last pay stub and it's over $200 dollars more! Can we say,
"Shopping expedition"???

Friday, July 12, 2002

Sometimes, I wonder if I am too jaded.

I witnessed a huge car accident this morning on my way to work. I say huge,
but it may not be so to someone else. It was huge to me because I was just
pulling up to the intersection when it happened. There were no other cars
blocking my view. I had front row seats.

I was pulling up to the intersection of Hilcrest & Walnut Hill Lane (I was coming
from north Hilcrest). A gold truck coming from west WHL turned left as if to
make a U-turn, but he evidently overcompensated the turn because he ended
up stopped in front of the middle lane of cars at the red light. He was about to
back up and continue his turn when this maroon car plowed into him. I say
plowed because I am willing to bet she was going at least 10 miles over the
speed limit and the damage to her vehicle made it look worse than it might have

Anyway, both drivers got out of their vehicles to assess the damage immediately
after the accident. Neither was limping or anything and no blood was involved.

What was my reaction to this whole incident? Well, when it happened, it was,
"Oh My God!"

...and after, when the light turned green, I continued to work.

The thoughts going through my head a split second after they exited from
their respective, mangled vehicles? Well, there's plenty of witnesses here.
They won't need me and I don't need to be late for work. Glad it didn't happen
to me!

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

So, I got my hair cut last weekend. I don't get it cut often. I don't usually like
experiencing hair salons. Especially trendy salons. Matter of fact, I don't like
just about anything trendy. But that's another story.

Well, last year a friend of mine INSISTED I get my hair cut and made an
appointment with someone at T & G's. VERY trendy. Basically, it boiled
down to some guy melodramatically struggling with my tangled hair and a
brush and telling me how horribly I took care of my hair. A hair session
costing $45-50 consisted of some poodle of a human being telling me I
was a little, ignorant snot.

Admittedly, the haircut I received in this session did look really good.

Jump to the present. I find myself in need of a hair cut. I stroll into a
franchise $20-or-under salon to get my hair done. I've even printed out
instructions for the look I want. Call me anal. Whatever. The stylist
proceeds to follow my exact instructions and doesn't insist on attempt
-ing to make small talk. Half an hour later, I have the same haircut I
had last year with none of the verbal abuse and for half the price!

I find this ironic.